
NBC has the objective to provide a platform where its members can network proactively with each other, as well as business people and authorities in the UAE. The Council furthermore has the objective to promote the interests of the Dutch business community in the UAE. To achieve its objective NBC will organize networking events and actively promote other opportunities to network, do business, and encourage mutual awareness, exchange of information, and cultural cooperation between the Netherlands and the UAE.

NBC Membership is open to all companies, establishments, and professional individuals of Dutch origin or with a clear personal or business connection with or interest in the Netherlands doing business in the United Arab Emirates.


  • Increase your social and professional network
  • Free access to networking events and webinars
  • Increase visibility in our online member directory
  • Assistance with links to key industry and government in the UAE and GCC
  • Enjoying special discounts in our Loyalty Program
  • Stay up to date with the latest business developments
  • Access to Dutch local talents available for flexible work (Flexpool)
  • Free exposure on our social media, newsletter, and at our NBC events
  • Representing the views and interests of members to government and other organizations in the UAE
  • Get involved in one of our working groups and help contribute to the business community.
  • Access to the Netherlands Business Council App
  • Professional Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Dutch consultants or professionals residing in the UAE who are keen to establish a strong network, share their experience, and learn from others

    • Individual exposure on our social media, newsletter, and at our NBC event
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  • Overseas Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Dutch individuals, not residing in the UAE, representing companies established outside the UAE but with a significant business interest in Dubai and or the UAE.

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